Dear List
Please see copy of letter sent to the manager of the Inbal Hotel. I just received a call on my cell phone from Mr. Sanders who out of courtesy (perhaps necessity) called me to explain the progression of events that led up to the erecting of the PLO flag with all the many other friendly and democratic countries.
Avi Dichter of Homeland Security in Israel invited many countries to attend this seminar at the Inbal Hotel and requested that the PLO flag be included. The Hotel had reservations but when they questioned the Minister regarding having the PLO flag, according to Mr. Sanders, the Hotel was not left with a choice since after all the seminar is about security. The wisdom of the hotel or the minister is not to be questioned according to Mr. Sanders since the hotel is open to all nations and all peoples be they white, black, orthodox, conservative, reform, gay, lesbian, etc. Without inhibitions, I let him have it between the eyes and without apology. What I tried to impart to him is that the PLO is not included in your list of human beings. The PLO are murderers. Had the PLO been responsible for killing you wife and children and the husbands and wives of 20 of your hotel staff, chances are that the flag would not be waving in front of your hotel. I continued to explain to him that what I expect from segments of the economic society in Israel is to be able to stand up under the pressures of a government who have totally lost their way and who continue to provide humanitarian aid to the head of the PA as they continue to kill my families in Israel and are proud of it. I said much more which made Mr. Sanders extremely agitated to the point where he could no longer hold himself back and as all CEO's and heads of organizations say. I called you to explain our position and not to get into a political discussion out of respect and it appears that you are taking this to another level. I cut him off and quietly said that the govt. and the left in Israel continue to express in the press that leaving Gaza has nothing at all to do with the rockets raining down on Sderot, Ashkelon and Southern Gaza . So Mr. Sanders what you are saying to me that the PA flag on our front lawn next to the Israeli flag obviously has nothing to do with dead Jews. I ended the conversation by wishing him well and saying goodbye.
I am not paranoid but just maybe just maybe the shabak was listening to how he handled this call. It is quite regrettable that we are in this very low place today where our fellow Jews have become used to everyday terror and cannot discern between right and wrong. It is as well quite well established that in perhaps too many circles in Israel today that one becomes sensitive about his brothers orphaned children only when he becomes an orphan himself.
I encourage you to write letters to Mr. Sanders if you feel so inclined
Letter sent to the Manager of Inbal this past Sunday.
Dear Mr. Sanders
It has been brought to our attention that the Inbal Hotel has been convinced that flying the PLO flag is appropriate for the convention taking place in your facility. I would assume that the management has been put into this very difficult position by such powers that have given you no alternatives since most of the world is well aware that in fact the PA are terrorists and continue to speak out openly to destroy Israel. However, since your hotel has come to this decision and it will obviously cause embarrasement to the many loyal patrons that you have catered to for so many years, we are forced to send email blasts throughout the US & Canada suggesting that letters of concern to your hotel be sent.
I am sure that when your hotel management made this decision to raise the PA flag they well understood that it could have negative effects. Well, I guess then you won't be surprised when you begin to receive negative feedback.
How unfortunate for all of us.
Izzy Kaplan
Toronto Zionist Council VP
1 comment:
In defense of Rodney Sanders. Rodney is a good friend of mine. Prior to Netanyahu's election in 96, he was head of World Likud and knowing him, I am certain that he shares your views, Izzy. It's a year since that event and in the interim his wife, who worked at the Canadian Embassy in TA, died of cancer and Rodney, I understand, devoted himself to fund raising and speaking on that disease. He left the Inbal which, at the time, and maybe still, was the "official" hotel of Israel tourism. It wasn't Rodney's call and I'm certain it enraged him to even look on that green, red and black rag.
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