Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Dear Rabbis of New York:
My name is Izzy Kaplan of Toronto, and I have taken an active interest this past year in coming to the aid of the Jews of Sderot. We have entered this struggle approximately one year ago, attempting to bring the message of Sderot to the city of Toronto. Alon Davidi, who founded the Haamateh L'bitachon Sderot, has undertaken to provide urgent humanitarian services here in Sderot. My dear Rabbis, I have to be bluntly honest. I have never seen anything like this in modern day Eretz Yisrael, where the government and the nation watch as a city of 20,000 is rocketed night and day, day and night, with no military relief in sight. I have arrived in Sderot a few days ago, drawn here by the need to rush to the aid of our brothers and sisters and not even knowing what to do for them. But, after a few days of accepting from the sky in excess of 150 rockets, I made a decision to contact some of the Rabbinic leadership in major US cities to advise them that this little Jew from Toronto sitting here cannot and will not believe that we have become the Jews of Silence. I am told by Alon Davidi that Rabbi Kermaier of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue was in Sderot 2 weeks ago and was shocked at the situation here in Sderot. Alon assured him that despite all of the rockets, injuries and destruction, the people are able to find strength as long as caring Jews show compassion through economic and moral support. It is my intention to bring Alon Davidi to New York, Toronto, & Miami for speaking engagements, towards the last few weeks in February and early March. Alon lives in Sderot and has 5 small children of his own. This morning, two seperate Red Alerts went off, and both parents grabbed their 5 children and went running into a safe room in the house until the big thud was heard, or until the second or third or fourth red alert ended. My point is that this is the scene in most homes throughout Sderot, day and night, and no Jew in this country, let alone this generation, should be forced to endure such degradation. I look forward to hearing from you in order to show how much you are concerned and care for your fellow Jews here in Sderot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Izzy,

Is there an account to which we may contribute to Sderot using a credit card? While on the subject, are contributions tax-deductible?

Jeff Ovadya
Silicon Valley, California

rsvp: fyeojo@hotmail